.. _web: Web Access ========== Web Access is a way to view files stored in the Network Drive. Web Access is located at **https://[domain].myjungledisk.com.** Insert the name of your domain in the URL. For example, a domain called mycompany would translate to *https://mycompany.myjungledisk.com.* You can find your domain under Application Settings > Account Settings on the software. The credentials to log into web-access are the same credentials you use to log into the software. .. Note:: If you're a user, be aware that only your account administrator can use the Control Panel in Web Access. .. image:: _static/016/webaccess.png :width: 700px |br| You can upload and download files from within web access. However, there is a hard 1GB file limitation for any upload or download from web access. You can also only download single files - not folders or multiple items at once. You will also have the option to create new folders, rename existing files/folders, or delete files/folders. You can also open items within the network drive to view or modify them. If you modify a file you opened in Web Access, you will need to save the file locally and use the upload option to get the modified version stored on the network drive. ..Note:: Do not modify Simple Backup data from Web Access, as it may cause corruptions. If you would like to modify data from Web Access, use a direct upload to the network drive instead. There will be a “~VersionArchive” folder inside Web Access. This folder stores previous versions. The settings for previous versions are configured with the :ref:`Network Drive. ` .. |br| raw:: html